Tel: 07802 631968

Tel: 07802 631968


An old, yet new way of living out the Gospel

When St. Osmund was Bishop of Sarum he lived as part of a community of canons, priests who shared a common life, evidence of which still exists in the titles of Salisbury’s Anglican Cathedral clergy such as precentor (that is first cantor). About that time many of the villages around Salisbury had monks or nuns living in community. Amesbury had an Abbey, Wilton had a convent, home to St. Edith, and other sites bear the name Abbas, recalling monastic routes.

Very likely there were mixed communities also, as was practised in the Anglo-Saxon monastic way of life, and evidenced in the Celtic monasteries by such surnames as MacNab (the son of the Abbot), MacTaggart (son of the priest) and so on.

In recent years there have been the Sisters of the French order of La Retraite, now in Belle Vue road, and for many years in the twentieth century the daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul were a familiar site in the parish of St. Osmund and St. Gregory’s. Wilton also had a French order of sisters until the mid 1980’s, the sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux.

Today the Alabaré Christian Community is continuing this tradition of ever old, ever new expressions of Christian Community. Alabaré House in Tollgate Road has been established as a house of Prayer where people have begun to live according to a rule based on that of the religious houses mentioned above. If you would like to visit the Community, or join them for the Prayer of the Church, please speak to Deacon John and Lee Proctor, Sr. Maisie Nevin, or any members of the Community.

As with the houses of old, hospitality is part of the way of life, being an expression of the love of Christ for all people. Hostels for the homeless and others in need have already been established, and are now run by our sister charity, Alabaré. If you would like to support the Community in its new ventures of community living please ask one of the Community how you can get involved or contact us by e-mail.

Vision Statement

To be a sign of the love which the Father, Son and Holy Spirit share. We are called by God to a Covenant Community of prayer, worship and fellowship which enables us to serve each other and the vulnerable of our world, making hospitality our special care.

28 Oakley Road

Tel: 07802 631968

28 Oakley Road Wilton SP2 0FA

Tel: 07802 631968

© Copyright Alabaré 2014